Thursday 28 July 2011

Day 02 Barcelona

In a vain attempt to get a phone for use in europe, I tentatively left the van and must of walked the length and breath of Barcelona. This was just a well because I passed the food market and went a little nuts. Tasty morsels for weeks. Did a little shopping, mainly sheets and pillows to further pimp the sand shoe.
On returning back to the beach I discovered that a group of fellow travellers had found my secret parking site.

Got to work on dinner, had a drink with my new neighbours

Tip 02. French hippies have very little banter.

Song of the day. Elegantly wasted, INSX. ( the bar across the park must of played it 25 times in the night.)

1 comment:

  1. Just showed Gary the blog for the first time, "Cool" when he saw Sandshoe and envy set in when he saw the market piggies. What are you cooking on?
