Sunday 31 July 2011

Day 05 More Palma

A late start and a somewhat fuzzy head. I manage to get out and see the sights. Palma is a very pretty city, lots of little side streets and great architecture. A massive harbour dominates the city, and this a great place to watch the world go by.

A little dinner and off to bed an early night is in order.

Tip05 cheap hostels are not the place to have hangovers

Song of the day. No music today it was all about the italian language tapes. ( no really sure how much sunk in)

Day 04 Palma

Awoken from a lovely sleep in my cabin on the ferry from Valencia to Palma. I spent a few hours tracking down a place to stay for a couple days, no van, no beds, no good.

Then caught up with Chris from work. He was out here on a job. I was kindly taken for dinner and got to meet Christophe the very interesting( crazy) director. A few drinks and then off to bed(drinking heavily till late o'clock)

Tip04 don't drink with mad german directors

Song of the day. Title unknown. Artist sung by the two Chris's (I think it was some type of octoberfest drinking song)

Day 03 e15 motorway

Sadly today was mostly a travel day, after an early morning swim, I hit the road. Travelling from Barcelona to Valencia. Got into Valencia after a long drive watching the greens of the surroundings turn more brown the further south the van travelled. I wasn't long in town for I'm going to meet Chris in Palma, and that needs a ferry. I'm going to leave sandshoe on the mainland hoping that she's safe and sound.

Things are a lot more pricey than I figured they would be, I'm hoping that it will get cheaper when I leave the tourist path.

Tip03. this is a 2 for 1 offer. Some beaches in Barcelona get vacuum cleaned in the night (good for chilling during on a clean beach during the day, bad if you are sleeping next to a massive hover pulled by a tractor) & STAY OFF TOLL ROADS. To much cash.

Song of the day. Fatboy slim, right here right now. (the only song I knew on the euro trash radio)

Just waiting for the ferry now.


Thursday 28 July 2011

Day 02 Barcelona

In a vain attempt to get a phone for use in europe, I tentatively left the van and must of walked the length and breath of Barcelona. This was just a well because I passed the food market and went a little nuts. Tasty morsels for weeks. Did a little shopping, mainly sheets and pillows to further pimp the sand shoe.
On returning back to the beach I discovered that a group of fellow travellers had found my secret parking site.

Got to work on dinner, had a drink with my new neighbours

Tip 02. French hippies have very little banter.

Song of the day. Elegantly wasted, INSX. ( the bar across the park must of played it 25 times in the night.)

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 01. Meeting sandshoe

So it begins After a sad goodbye to Tess, I flew to Barcelona to start this little trip. The flight uneventful, except a 5 year old girl screaming with her brother that she wanted the window seat. To save the other passengers ear drums I gave the little brat my window seat, (Even Chavs fly BA).

In Barcelona a bus, a tube, a train, another bus, and a very long hot sweaty walk, I was united with sandshoe, home for the next few weeks ( not the sexy old school vw I was thinking, but hey I'm on a budget)

Tip01 for camper travel. Local knowledge rules above all. Met a fellow camper who suggested a site on the beach( free and right on the beach)

Song of the day: unknown title, unknown artist. ( they were this 3 piece band, guitar, drums, and flute. Busting out a spanish song on a commuter train)

Catch you later.

Monday 25 July 2011

The first part done. (not exactly europe)

After an uneventful flight to Kota Kinabalu in borneo, Tess and I have no luggage. So our first introduction to one of world's richest natural environments...An air-conditioned shopping centre.

After seeing the sights of KK for a few days(manly the hotel room). Tess and I started the climb of Mt. Kinabalu. I think its fair to say the it was one of the hardest things I've ever done not helped by being totally unprepared for the 4100 meter climb. It took 2 days to reach the summit, and we both felt every second of it.

After a couple more days in borneo, seeing the orang-utan's and trying to walk again, we flew to Bali.
A very fine week in Bali enjoying the tropical sun, came and went far to quickly.

And so tomorrow I fly to Barcelona to pick you the "Wicked" camper. This to start my little trip around
Europe. The hardest part is going to be leaving Tess(I'm not looking forward to this good bye) but she will come and meet me in a couple of weeks.

Take it easy and pop back in from time to time.
